Publications (refereed)


Hyatt, E. C., Hayes, W. K., and Dunbar, S. G. 2023. Ecophenotypic variation or genetic differentiation? Ambiguity of morphological and molecular relationships presents uncertainty in host-specific plasticity of Chelonibia barnacles. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 292 (2023) 108470. Link to Article here  

Wright, M. K, Pompe, L. R., Mishra, D. R., Baumbach, D. S., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S. G. (2022). Hawksbill  presence and habitat suitability of a marine reserve in Honduras. Ocean and Coastal Management. 225: 106204. Link to Article here

Baumbach, D. S., Zhang, R., Hayes, C. T., Wright, M. K., & Dunbar, S. G. (2022). Strategic foraging: Understanding hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) prey item energy values and distribution within a marine protected area. Marine Ecology, e12703. Link to PDF here

Dunbar, S. G., Anger, E. C., Parham, J. R., Kingen, C., Wright, M. K., Hayes, C. T., Safi, S., Holmberg, J., Salinas, L., Baumbach, D. S. 2021. HotSpotter: Uning a computer-driven photo-id application tio identify sea turtles. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 535: 151490. Link to Article here

Dunbar, S. G., Daochai, C., Haetrakul, T., Smithiwong, S., Charoenpak, P., Saelim, S., Chansue, N. 2020. Developing the Gulf of Thailand Sea Turtle Nesting Recovery Network through an initial workshop: 13 - 15 November, 2019 at Koh Talu, Thailand. Marine Turtle Newsletter. 161: 35 - 39. Link to PDF here

Wright, M. K., Baumbach, D. S., Collado, N., Safi, S. B., Dunbar, S. G. 2020. Influence of boat traffic on distribution and behavior of juvenile hawksbills foraging in a marine protected area in Roatan, Honduras. Ocean and Coastal Management. 198(2020): 1 - 10. Link to Article here

Dunbar, S.G., Salinas, L., Baumbach, D.S. 2020. Marine Turtle Species of Pacific Honduras. Marine Turtle Newsletter 160: 1-4. Link to PDF here

Baumbach, D. S., Anger, E. C., Dunbar, S. G. 2019. Utilizing novel web-based and smartphone GIS applications to model sea turtle home ranges with citizen-science data. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. Link to Article abstract here

Baumbach, D.S., Dunbar, S.G. 2017. Animal maping using a citizen-science web-based GIS in the Bay Islands, Honduras. Marine Turtle Newsletter 152: 16-19. Link to PDF here

Hayes, C.T., Baumbach, D.S., Juma, D., Dunbar, S.G. 2017. Impacts of recreational diving on hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) behaviour in a marine protected area. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 21(1): 17p. Link to PDF here

Dunbar, S. G., Hudgins, J., Jeaqn, C. 2016. Meeting report for the 1st Photo ID Workshop, 36th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Lima, Peru, 29 February, 2016.Marine Turtle Newletter 151: 32 - 33. Link to PDF here

Duran, N., Dunbar, S.G. 2015. Differences in diurnal and nocturnal swimming patterns of olive ridley hatchlings in the Gulf of Fonseca. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 472(2015): 63 - 71. Link to PDF here

Dunbar, S.G., Ito, H. 2015. Picture perfect; photography for turtle monitoring. SWOT (State of the World's Sea Turtles) Report, 10: 10-11. Link to PDF here

Duran, N., Dunbar, S.G., Escobar III, R.A., Standish, T.G. 2015. High frequency of multiple paternity in a solitary population of olive ridley sea turtles in Honduras. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 463(2015): 63-71. Link to PDF here

Dunbar, S.G., Ito, H.E., Bahjri, K., Dehom, S., Salinas, L. 2014. Recognition of juvenile hawksbills Eretmochelys imbricata through face scale digitization and automated searching. Endangered Species Research. Link to PDF here

Berube, M. D., Dunbar, S. G., Rützler, K., and Hayes, W. K. 2012. Home range and foraging ecology of juvenile hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys im25bricata) on inshore reefs of Honduras. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 11(1): 33 - 43. Link to PDF here

Dunbar, S.G., Salinas, L., and Stevenson, L. 2008. In-water observations of recently released juvenile Hawksbills (Eretmochelys imbricata). Marine Turtle Newsletter, 121: 5 - 9. Link to PDF here



Dunbar, S.G. and Salinas, L. 2022. ProTECTOR, Inc. National Report of Activities for the 2022 Research Season. PDF here.
2019 Honduras Report Spanish Dunbar, S.G. and Salinas, L. 2021. ProTECTOR, Inc. Reporte Nacional De Las Actividades De Investigacion 2019. PDF here.
Dunbar, S.G., Chansue, N., Smithiwong, S., Haetrakul, T., Vanarin, C., Sakaew, C., and Sahang, S. 2019. Progress report to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service for the rapid nesting and threats assessments for the recovery of hawksbill nesting in the Gulf of Thailand. A mid-term progress report 2018, United States Fish and Wildlife Services 2019. PDF Here
ProTECTOR 2018 Report

Dunbar, S. G., Wright, M.K., Hyatt, E. C., Gammariello, R. T., Baumbach, D. S., Salinas, L. 2019. ProTECTOR, Inc. ProTECTOR, Inc. National Report of Activities for the 2018 Research Season in Honduras. PDF Here. Spanish Version PDF here.


National Annual Report 2017 English Dunbar, S. G., Baumbach, D., Hayes, C. T., Wright, M. K., Salinas, L. 2017. Activities of the Protective Turtle Ecology Center for Training, Outreach, and Research, INC (ProTECTOR Inc.) in Honduras. Annual Report of the 2015 and 2016 Seasons. PDF Here. Spanish Version PDF here.
ProTECTOR 2016 Report Dunbar, S.G., Hayes, C.T., and Baumbach, D. 2016. Impacts of Recreational Diving on Hawksbill Sea Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Sandy Bay West End Marine Reserve, Honduras. Annual Report of the 2014 Summer Research Season. PDF here.
ProTECTOR Inc. 2013 - 2014 Report Dunbar, S.G., Duran, N., Hayes, C.T., and Salinas, L. 2015. Activities of the Protective Turtle Ecology Center for Training, Outreach, and Research, Inc (ProTECTOR) in Honduras; Annual Report of the 2013 and 2014 Seasons PDF here. Spanish Version PDF here.
Annual Report for 2011 & 2012 Dunbar, S. G. and Salinas, L. 2013. Activities of the Protective Turtle Ecology Center for Training, Outreach, and Research, Inc (ProTECTOR) in Honduras; Annual Report of the 2011 and 2012 Seasons. PDF here. Spanish Version PDF here.
Final Report 2012 Dunbar, S. G., Randazzo, A., Salinas, L., and Luque J. 2013. Final Report of the Community-Directed Capacity Building for Hawksbill Conservation and Population Recovery in Caribbean Honduras. Final Report 2013, United States Fish and Wildlife Services 2013. PDF here.
Year End Report 2011 Dunbar, S. G., Salinas, L., and Castellanos, S. 2012. Report of the Gulf of Fonseca Hawksbill Project In Pacific Honduras. Year-End Report From 2011, ProTECTOR, Loma Linda. Pp. 29. PDF here.
Annual Report 2010 Dunbar, S. G., Salinas, L., and Castellanos, S. 2011. Activities of the Protective Turtle Ecology Center For Training, Outreach, and Research, Inc. (ProTECTOR) in Punta Raton, Honduras. 2009-2010 Annual Report, Ministry of Environment, Digepesca, Honduras. PDF here.
Annual Report Punta Raton 2009 Dunbar, S. G., Salinas, L., and Castellanos, S. 2010. Activities of the Protective Turtle Ecology Center For Training, Outreach, and Research, Inc. (ProTECTOR) in Punta Raton, Honduras. 2008-2009 Annual Report, Ministry of Environment, Digepesca, Honduras. PDF here.
TAPS report 2010 Dunbar, S. G., Salinas, L., and Berube, M. 2009. Acivities of the Turtle Awareness and Protection Studies (TAPS) Progran Under the Protective Turtle Ecology Center for Training, Outreach, and Research, Inc (ProTECTOR) in Roatan, Honduras. 2007-2008 Annual Report, Ministry of the Environment, Honduras. PDF hereSpanish version PDF here.
USFWS 2008 Dunbar, S. G., and Berube, M. 2008. Hawksbill Sea Turtle Nesting Beach Reconnaissance on Roatan, Honduras. Final Report 2008, United States Fish and Wildlife Services 2008. PDF here.
Annual Report 2008 Dunbar, S. G. and Salinas, L. 2008. Activities of the Protective Turtle Ecology Center for Training, Outreach, and Research, Inc. (ProTECTOR) on olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) in Punta Raton, Honduras. Annual Repoirt of the 2007 - 2008 nesting seasons. SERNA, DIGEPESCA, DiBio, SAG. Pp. 30. PDF here. Spanish version PDF here.
SWOT 2008 Dunbar, S. G. 2008. Final Report on a proposal for a series of school visits to commence the "Turtle Nesting Hotline's Turtle Art and Jingle Challenge" in the Bay Islands, Honduras; an education and awareness initiative. SWOT. Pp. 9. PDF here.
SWOT 2007 Dunbar, S. G. 2007. Final Report on a proposal to facilitate positive change among indigenous fishers of the Bay Islands, Honduras. SWOT. Pp. 5. PDF here.
TAPS 2006 Dunbar, S. G. 2006. Preliminary Report on Activities Under Permits # DGPA/005/2006 and DGPA/245/2006 by the Turtle Awareness and Protection Studies (TAPS) Group. ProTECTOR, Loma Linda. Pp. 11. PDF here.


Theses and Dissertations
Wright, Marsha. 2020. The Sandy Bay West End Marine Reserve: Hawksbill Inhabitance and Reserve Suitability. PDF here
Baumbach, Dustin. 2020. Foraging Ecology of Hawksbill Turtles Within a Roatan Marine Reserve. PDF here
Duran Royo N. 2015. Reproductive Ecology and Hatchling Behavior of Olive Ridley Sea Turtles in Honduras. PDF here
Hayes C.T. 2015. Recreational Diving and Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in a Marine Protected Area. PDF here
Damazo, L. R. 2014. Nesting Ecology of Hawksbill Sea Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) on Utila, Honduras. PDF here
Berube M.D. 2010. Home Range and Foraging Ecology of Juvenile Hawksbill Sea Turtles around Roatan, Honduras. PDF here


Conferences Attended







Conference Abstracts

Dunbar, S.G., Daochai, C., Smithiwong, S., Haetrakul, T., Srisiri, S., Na Ayudhya, S.K., Satapoomin, U., Chansue, N. 2023. Initial results of the rapid nesting and threats assessment for the recovery of hawksbill nesting in the Gulf of Thailand. 41st International Sea Turtle Symposium. 20 – 24 March, 2023. Cartagena, Colombia. Poster PDF Espanol Poster 

Gammariello, R.T., Ebanks, C., Anderson, E., Cohen, R., Rose, D., Green, T., Green, C., Dunbar, S.G. 2023. Detection thresholds for green and orange light in Eretmochelys imbricata hatchlings. 41st International Sea Turtle Symposium. 20 – 24 March, 2023. Cartagena, Colombia. Spanish poster version PDF here

Hyatt, E.C., Hayes, W.K., Gammariello, R.T., Dunbar, S.G. 2023. Gross and quantitative comparative analyses of epibiotic Chelonibia spp. Barnacles suggest separation of morphotypes independent of host. 41st International Sea Turtle Symposium. 20 – 24 March, 2023. Cartagena, Colombia. Spanish poster version PDF here

Pan, D., Dunbar, S.G. 2023. Growth dynamics of juvenile hawksbills in a marine protected area in Roatán, Honduras. 41st International Sea Turtle Symposium. 20 – 24 March, 2023. Cartagena, Colombia. 

Romero, A., Vance, C., Salina, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2023. Recent trends in the Guanaja Nesting Recovery Project, Guanaja, Honduras. 41st International Sea Turtle Symposium. 20 – 24 March, 2023. Cartagena, Colombia. 

Salinas, L., Pastor de Maria y Campos, R., Bermudez, J., Soliz, L., Pereira, S., Flores, D., Dunbar, S.G. 2023. Scientific research and government process: paradigm shifts in the conservation of sea turtles in Honduras. 41st International Sea Turtle Symposium. 20 – 24 March, 2023. Cartagena, Colombia. 

Streit, M.B., Aguila, Z., Lewis, A.L., Morrow, A., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2023. Feeding interactions between hawksbill turtles and reef fish in Sandy Bay West End Marine Reserve, Roatán, Honduras. 41st International Sea Turtle Symposium. 20 – 24 March, 2023. Cartagena, Colombia.  

Wright, M., Baumbach, D., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2019. Natal origins and genetic variations of juvenile hawksbill turtles foraging in a marine protected area in Roatan, Honudras. 39th International Sea Turtle Symposium. 2-8 February 2019. Charleston, SC.

Morrow, A., Lewis, A.L., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2019. Hawksbill sea turtle-fish interactions: more than foraging friends? 39th International Sea Turtle Symposium. 2-8 February 2019. Charleston, SC.

Hyatt, E., Gammariello, R., Gerke, C., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2019. Community-based evidence accrual for characterization of Guanaja, Honduras as an active nesting site for Caribbean sea turtle populations.39th International Sea Turtle Symposium. 2-8 February 2019. Charleston, SC.

Gammariello, R., Gerke, C., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2019. Color preferences of Eretmochelys imbricata hatchlings. 39th International Sea Turtle Symposium. 2-8 February 2019. Charleston, SC.

Baumbach, D.S., Wright, M.K., Seminoff, J.A., Lemons, G.E., Rützler, K., Wysor, B., Saunders, G.W., Estevez, D., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2019. Foraging ecology of hawksbills in Roatán, Honduras: insights from in-water observations and stable isotope analysis . 39th International Sea Turtle Symposium. 2-8 February 2019. Charleston, SC.

Baumbach, D.S., Anger, E.C., Dunbar, S.G. 2019. Sea turtles as an animal model for determining home range using citizen-science sightings. 39th International Sea Turtle Symposium. 2-8 February 2019. Charleston, SC.

Dunbar, S. G., Bonardelli, J., Manzano, E., De La Garza, R., Estevez, D., and Salinas, L. Beta testing Nesting Safe – new Technology for nest finding and environmental temperature monitoring. 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 15 – 20, April, 2017, Las Vegas, USA. Abstract here.

Dunbar, S. G., Baumbach, D. S., Wright, M. K., Hayes, C. T., Holmberg, J., Crall, and J. P., Stewart, C. V. HotSpotter: less manipulating, more learning, and better vision for turtle photo identification. 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 15 – 20, April, 2017, Las Vegas, USA. Abstract here. Poster PDF here

Salinas, L. and Dunbar, S. G. Mapping the goods: Using the TURT smartphone application to record hawksbill product use. 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 15 – 20, April, 2017, Las Vegas, USA. Abstract here

Duran, N., Salinas, L., and Dunbar, S. G. The fishers know: using local experience to collect data on a poorly known sea turtle population. 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 15 – 20, April, 2017, Las Vegas, USA. Abstract here

Baumbach, D. S., Wright, M. K., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S. G. Area abundance of hawksbill prey items within the Sandy Bay West End Marine Reserve, Roatán, Honduras. 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 15 – 20, April, 2017, Las Vegas, USA. Abstract here. Poster PDF here

Baumbach, D. S, Anger, E., and Dunbar, S. G. The development of local and global citizen-science sea turtle monitoring. 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 15 – 20, April, 2017, Las Vegas, USA. Abstract here

Hayes, C. T., Baumbach, D. S., Juma, D., and Dunbar, S. G. Does recreational diving impact hawksbill sea turtle foraging behavior? Results from a marine protected area, Honduras. 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 15 – 20, April, 2017, Las Vegas, USA. Abstract here

Wright, M., Baumbach, D. S., Trujillo, D., Cruz LeDuc, J., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S. G. Quantification and impacts of nautical traffic on hawksbill presence in a Honduran marine protected area: a progress report. Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 15 – 20, April, 2017, Las Vegas, USA. Abstract here. Poster PDF here


Hayes, C.H., Baumbach, D.S., Juma, D., and Dunbar S.G. 2016. Does recreational diving alter hawksbill sea turtle foraging behavior? Results from a marine protected area, Honduras. Seventh Annual Research and Scholarship Symposium. April 20, 2016. Cedarville, OH. Poster PDF here PDF here.

Dunbar, S.G., Sung,K., Cole, L., Reyna, R., Anaya, S., Juma, D., Salinas, L. 2016. Impacts of beach pollution on sand temperatures and post-hatching migrations in Hawksbill hatchlings. 36th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 29 February- 4 March, 2016. Lima, Peru. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Salinas, L., Holloways, S., Dunbar, S.G. 2016 Resolving conflict issues among sea turtle conservation research, community interests, and government agencies. 36th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 29 February- 4 March, 2016. Lima, Peru. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Duran, N., Dunbar, S.G. 2015. Why so many fathers for such a small olive ridley population in Honduras? 35th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation.19-24 April, 2015. Dalaman, Mugla, Turkey. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Hayes, C.T., Baumbach, D.S., Wright, M.K., Baeza, L., Macpui, M., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2015. Does recreational diving impact hawksbill sea turtle sighting rates? Preliminary analysis for a marine protected area, Honduras. 35th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation.19-24 April, 2015. Dalaman, Mugla, Turkey. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Baumbach, D.S., Hayes, C.T., Wright, M.K., Macpui, M., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2015. Potential hawksbill prey item distribution among dive sites in a marine protected area in Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras. 35th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation.19-24 April, 2015. Dalaman, Mugla, Turkey. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Baeza, L., Hayes, C.T., Wright, M.K., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2015. Photo Recognition for in-water identification of hawksbills in a marine potected area of Honduras. Honduras. 35th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation.19-24 April, 2015. Dalaman, Mugla, Turkey. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Wright, M.K., Baeza, L., Hayes, C.T., Salinas, L., Dunbar, S.G. 2015. Sightings records of hawksbills in a marine protected area of Honduras. 35th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation.19-24 April, 2015. Dalaman, Mugla, Turkey. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Duran, N., and Dunbar, S.G. Influence of time of release to avoid the tidal backward movement in the offshore migration of the hatchlings at Punta Raton, Honduras. 34th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 10-17 April, 2014. New Orleans, LA Poster PDF here PDF here.

Duran, N., and Dunbar, S.G. Comparison of semi-natural with hatchery nests at Punta Raton, Honduras. 34th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 10-17 April, 2014. New Orleans, LA. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Wingers, N. and Dunbar, S.G. Preliminary results of mitochondrial DNA sampling from Hawksbill turtles in a foraging ground off Roatan, Honduras. 34th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 10-17 April, 2014. New Orleans, LA. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Damazo, L. E. and Dunbar, S.G. First account and description of a Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) nesting beach in Carribean Honduras. 34th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 10-17 April, 2014. New Orleans, LA. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Damazo, L. E. and Dunbar, S.G. Incubation temperature effects from metabolic heat and thermal inertia in Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) nests on Utila, Honduras. 34th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 10-17 April, 2014. New Orleans, LA. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Sung, K., Cole, L., and Dunbar, S.G. Effect of Beach Pollution on Eretmochelys imbricata hatchlings initial offshore migration time. 34th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 10-17 April, 2014. New Orleans, LA. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Duran, N. and Dunbar, S.G. Do hatchling swimming patterns matter when it comes to predation? 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 2-8 February, 2013. Baltimore, MD. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Duran, N., and Dunbar, S.G. Influence of tidal currents on offshore migration and survival of sea turtle hatchlings released from the Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras. 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 2-8 February, 2013. Baltimore, MD. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Dunbar, S.G., Dunbar, S.S., Chapman, C., Vodhanel, S., Canwell, C., Plaker, S., Church, C.A., Leggit, V.L., Zumwalt, J., Rosspencer, E., Bayardo, L., Friedman, M., Huey, L., Parker, R.L., Delgado, G., Cruzado, R., Salinas, L., and Zelaya, N. The ProTECTOR - GHI - SIMS Partnership: A Multidisciplinary Approach; Saving Turtles, Helping People. 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 2-8 February, 2013. Baltimore, MD. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Tan, A.L., Dunbar, S.G., Baumbach, D., Cunningham, A., Damazo, L.E., Reeve, R.E., Lindsay, K., and Salinas, L. 700 Hours on Nesting Beaches: ProTECTOR Volunteering Efforts in Honduras. 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 2-8 February, 2013. Baltimore, MD. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Reeve, R.E., Baumbach, D.S., Damazo, L.E., Dunbar, S.G., Tan, A.L., Cunningham, A., Randazzo, A., and Salinas, L. Profiles of Protected Area Nesting Beaches at Pumpkin Hill and Cuero Y Salado Wildlife Refuge, Honduras. 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 2-8 February, 2013. Baltimore, MD. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Damazo, L.E., and Dunbar, S.G. Tracking Nesting Hawksbills "Chel" and "Ginger" from the Bay Islands, Honduras. 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 2-8 February, 2013. Baltimore, MD. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Duran, N, Dunbar, S.G. Preliminary Results on Post Nesting Fine Scale Movements of Olive Ridley Sea Turtles in the Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras. 32st International Sea Turtle Symposium. 12-16 March, 2012. Huatulco, Mexico. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Dunbar, S.G., Salinas, L., and Castellanos, S. Community partnership in understanding population changes of “Tortuga Golfina” (Lepidochelys olivacea) on the south coast of Honduras. 31st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 12-15 April, 2011. San Diego, CA. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Dunbar, S.G., Ito, H. Recognition of juvenile hawksbills (Eretmochelys imbricata) through face scale digitization and automated searching. 31st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 12-15 April, 2011. San Diego, CA. PDF here. Poster PDF here

Berube, M.D., Dunbar, S.G., Rutzler, K., and Hayes, W.K. Home range and foraging ecology of juvenile hawksbill sea turtles around Rotan, Honduras. 31st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 12-15 April, 2011. San Diego, CA. PDF here. Poster PDF here.

Dunbar, S. G., Salinas, L., Castellanos, S. Proyecto piloto para la conservación de las tortugas marinas mediante el empoderamiento de las comunidades sobre sus recursos, en la costa Pacífico de Honduras. XIII Congress of the Mesoamerican Society for Biology and Conservation. 26 – 30 October, 2009. Belize. PDF here. Poster PDF here

 Dunbar, S. G., and Salinas, L. ProTECTOR - Coordinating sea turtle research and conservation in Honduras. 30th International Sea Turtle Symposium. 23-27, April, 2010. Goa, India. PDF here.Poster PDF here

   Dunbar, S. G., Breman, J. and Stevenson, L. Development of the Turtle Awareness and Protection Studies (TAPS) program on Roatan, Honduras. 27th International Sea Turtle Symposium. 22 - 28, February, 2007. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA. Poster PDF here

Dunbar, S. G., Breman, J. and Stevenson, L. Activities of the Turtle Awareness and Protection Studies (TAPS) program on Roatan, Honduras. 28th International Sea Turtle Symposium. 19 - 26, January, 2008. Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Poster PDF herePDF here.  




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